【Sendai City】Selected for “TGA~DeepTech~2024”
Our company has been selected for the “R&D-type Startup Development Project (TGA)”, which is a support program centered on the middle stage implemented by Sendai City, and we will receive support from Sendai City for one year!
【仙台市】『TGA~DeepTech~2024』の採択企業6社が決定しました | 仙台市のプレスリリース (prtimes.jp)
Sendai City aims to create a city where Stat-Up is born that changes the world by balancing business and social aspects while solving various domestic and international issues while leveraging the strengths of innovative ideas and technologies from Sendai and Tohoku. Since 2013, we have implemented various measures to accelerate startup support, such as holding entrepreneurship events, opening the Sendai City Entrepreneurship Support Center, implementing an acceleration program, establishing the Sendai Startup Ecosystem Promotion Council, and opening the Sendai Startup Studio.
In addition, since last fiscal year, we have been promoting the “R&D-type Startup Development Project,” which is a support program centered on the middle stage, believing that it is necessary to have a role model in the region in order to create more startups.
Specifically, we have provided support for business expansion, such as support for formulating strategies and building sales systems to improve sales, as well as support for new business strategies and sales promotion.
This fiscal year, we will continue to provide flexible support to the adoptees according to the needs of individual companies, with the aim of producing startups that will serve as role models.