We will take the stage at the “Miyagi Pitch Contest 2025 Pre-Event” sponsored by Miyagi Prefecture

Miyagi Pitch Contest 2025プレイベントを開催します! – 宮城県公式ウェブサイト (pref.miyagi.jp)

As social issues in the region, such as a declining and aging population, become more serious, the power of entrepreneurs who use data and digital technology to solve problems with a sense of speed is indispensable for the region. At the same time, solutions and services to solve these problems have the potential to become models for solving global problems beyond regional and national barriers, and it is also important to take such a set and action in India from Miyagi and Tohoku to aim for the world at once beyond Japan.

As a pre-event for the Miyagi Pitch Contest* 2025, we will welcome Mr. Toshiyuki Yamamoto, founder of Chatwork, who started a business in Silicon Valley and was listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market in 2019, to talk about the reality of entrepreneurship and challenges in the world from his own experience. In addition, as an angel investor, currently serving as the representative director of the Japan Angel Investors Association, we have invested in more than 50 companies and are supporting young entrepreneurs, and we will deliver a message to you who are aiming for the world.

In the talk session that followed, three entrepreneurs from Tohoku with different experiences, fields, and business stages, as well as entrepreneur candidates, took the stage. We are planning a “public mentoring” session in which Mr. Yamamoto will introduce the businesses he is promoting or trying to promote, share his current worries and challenges for growth and success, and receive advice and feedback directly from Mr. Yamamoto. Not only entrepreneurs, but also anyone who is interested in starting a business will be able to use it as a time of great learning and discovery, while overlapping with their own stage and sense of challenges. We look forward to your participation!

*What is the Miyagi Pitch Contest?

The “Miyagi Pitch Contest” is held with the aim of creating DX-related startups from Miyagi Prefecture that will lead Japan by gathering entrepreneurs from inside and outside the prefecture who are taking on the challenge of new business plans that contribute to solving social issues using digital technology.